Monday, August 23, 2010

Decisions or Choices?

Many people are indecisive. Why? Because most people are afraid of making mistakes, suffering consequences, judgments and criticisms.

I no longer make decisions in my life. I now make choices for my life and they are so much more fulfilling. Let me explain. Decisions are based on logic, rational thought and sensibilities to your family’s situation. Choices are based on energy and the inner wisdom you experience as you remain connected to God. Choices always resonates with the real you and creates fulfillment and satisfaction.
Within you, lies the wisdom of God, who will lead and direct you to your true choices. Choices come from within and decisions come from outside of your authentic self.

Anytime you allow love to lead the way instead of fear, you will most always win. So instead of struggling with being indecisive or even making decisions, try checking within, the right choice is there waiting for you.

Write a comment below and let me know what you think about this post.


  1. Thank you for the inspiration. I like the fact that real choices come from within our inner-self. The self that's connected to our Lord. It takes the burden of being indecisive totally away!
    I yearn for more of Him and His wisdom daily.

  2. Amen doe's take the pressure off of us and we just follow God's leading...God bless you and thank you for the comment.
