Sunday, May 31, 2009

Balance Your Life, Not Your Check Book!!

I heard someone ask the question, "Are you spending more time balancing your checkbook, than you are balancing your life?" It made me think. During these tough economic times we now live, people are running scared. They are pre-occupied with job security, having enough money to pay the mortgage, medical and credit card bills...and rightfully so.

With all the bad news coming from the media and our government, it is enough to send us all into a frightened panic. That is if you have chosen to participate in that world.

As for me, I have decided not to participate in fear, recession or financial failure. I have chosen to live by a set of laws that are governed by a God who owns more than I could ever imagine. When we place more of our focus on adding balance to our lives, than we do balancing our check books, then we can become free from financial failure.

We can chose to concentrate on being more thankful for our gifts, talents and skills in which we have been blessed and realize that these things are priceless. When we place our emphasis on giving of these gifts and talents to the world as a means to alleviate suffering, we will bring our lives back to balance.

I no longer walk in fear, but in love. I no longer focus on taking but on that of giving. Yes, we should balance our checkbooks to be efficient in our business dealings. But we must also be sure to pray and meditate regularly to keep ourselves balanced.

When I become more God focused, more love focused, when we remain balanced..something miraculous happens. My check book tends to be balanced and even increase in dollars.
Wow, isn't it great to know that we are apart of the solution.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Get Rid of the Chaos!

Life can be hectic at times. Sometimes things just seem to get totally chaotic. When that happens, I tend to slow things down a little. There are times when I just bring my life to a complete halt. I have learned, when chaos arrives from all directions, it is a signal that something is going on inside of me. I ask myself, "what is going on inside of me to attract this stuff?" Then I slow my life down to go within to identify the problem. Sometimes, I just need more rest or to eat better and exercise my body. Often times it is because I have not been praying as much as I should or I need to adjust my thought pattern, and feed my spiritual mind. Whatever it is, once I identify the source of the chaos and I make the necessary goes back to order. It is easy to place blame on others for the chaos, but it takes effort and maturity to take responsibility for our own lives. We truly can live our lives by design. God is so smart for creating us this way!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Can Have It All!!

There comes a time in our lives where we begin to think about how we want to live. We know inside there is more to life than what we are currently experiencing, but we just cannot seem to identify it. There needs to be a decision on our part, that there are things in our lives that we have the ability to change and that these changes will give us a better life. Simply put, "A Lifestyle."

There is no shame in needing to fine tune our lives as we move forward in finding our true purpose. We really can have, do and be anything we want in life. We do hold the keys to our life, not in some abstract sense, but in real time choices, actions, that have predictable results that are beneficial to our future.

That being said, this amazing discovery is not easily accomplished alone. It has been said that all successful people have Mentors. The turning point in everyone's life is when your Mentor arrives. I had to stop and take notice when my mentor arrived. I almost did not recognize her. When I discovered her, I realized there was no time to waste, each moment was an opportunity to further myself, a chance to make a choice that was life altering and life changing.

When my mentor arrived, my life changed forever. Now, I am paying it forward by doing the same for others. My passion is to see people live their lives bigger and better. I love to help people see themselves bigger and better. We all deserve to be happy and one thing I am sure...we all can be!!