Thursday, May 21, 2009

Get Rid of the Chaos!

Life can be hectic at times. Sometimes things just seem to get totally chaotic. When that happens, I tend to slow things down a little. There are times when I just bring my life to a complete halt. I have learned, when chaos arrives from all directions, it is a signal that something is going on inside of me. I ask myself, "what is going on inside of me to attract this stuff?" Then I slow my life down to go within to identify the problem. Sometimes, I just need more rest or to eat better and exercise my body. Often times it is because I have not been praying as much as I should or I need to adjust my thought pattern, and feed my spiritual mind. Whatever it is, once I identify the source of the chaos and I make the necessary goes back to order. It is easy to place blame on others for the chaos, but it takes effort and maturity to take responsibility for our own lives. We truly can live our lives by design. God is so smart for creating us this way!!

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