Monday, December 6, 2010

Three Important Questions!!

As we move into the final days of 2010, I have been reflecting upon all the things I have done or haven't done this year. But more importantly, reflecting upon who I have become or who I haven't become? I know that who we are, impacts what we think, say and do in life. Our identity is tied to our behavior. Your behavior will always be consistent with who you really are. Everything we think, say and do becomes a statement of who we are. Simply stated...behavior never lies. Change the identity, the behavior automatically changes.

So during my time of reflection, I wanted to exaimine the driving forces behind my behaviors and actions this year. There are 3 questions that I always ask myself as I reflect and I want to encourage you to do the same.

1. Who am I? Who am I really? There is in the mind of God a perfect image of who we are and our job is to discover and uncover that image. I want to know if I have remained aligned with that image or have I moved to the left or right of that image during this year?

2. Why am I here? We are here to do one thing: Love! Love is the answer to every question. God's vehicle in the earth is the human heart and we have been commissioned to live from it daily. So, I want to know where have I forgotten to love? Only what I am not giving in any situation is missing. Where I have forgotten to love, love has been missing. Love attracts everything to our lives like itself, such as abundance, health, energy and joy!

3. What am I here to do? We all have been given a purpose in life. We each have our own personal part to play in this theatre of life. It is our job to discover our true purpose. I want to know if I did all the things that I should have this year that were consistent with my assignment to the planet? Where I have failed to do so, I look for ways to self correct.

I hope these three things will give you something to ponder and reflect upon as you close out this year to begin a new year. Another year to be who you were born to be. Another year to love in ways you have never loved before. Another year to fulfull your purpose in life. Another year to think, to do , to be all that God wants you to be!

Wishing You Love and Success,

Angela Carr Patterson, The Love Lifestyle Coach

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