I've never been a real Star Trek fan, but what I do remember loving was when the announcer spoke of "to boldly go where no man has gone before." It was always something about that statement that just resonated within me.
Now as I continue to grow on this incredible journey called, Life, I understand that outer space is not the only place we can boldly go where no man has gone before. We all can incorporate this hope of transformation and change into our lives in large and small ways. I want to share with you some ideas about moving beyond the fences you've surrounded yourself with.
Because if you remain within the fence..within your comfort zone, you're condemned to repeat your history over and over. How can you break the patterns of familiarity?
1. You must decide to become something different. In order to boldly go where you've never gone before, you've got to become what you've never become before. How do you do such a thing? We do this by getting clear about who we really are at the core. By living from an authentic place. By ridding ourselves of all the false layers of identity that don't originate from our core. I want to remind you that this kind of work can never be done alone. You will need to solicit the help of a life coach, mentor, clergy or someone who can see over the fence farther than you. So begin seeking the help of a good life coach or mentor to help you discover your authentic self. Then you will become that real, authentic person to go where you have never gone before.
2. You must get clear about why you are here. What have you been placed on the planet to do? We all have been given our part to play in this theatre of life. I cannot truly fulfill my part, until you are ready to step up and fulfill your part. Why? Because on some deeper level we are all connected and together we fulfill God's purpose on the planet. Getting clear about your earth's assignments helps you go beyond the fences, but it also helps others as well.
3. Do it. Like Nike says. Just Do It! Stop procrastinating and stop hiding in preparation, stop hiding behind your job, your husband, your kids or whatever reason you have given yourself permission to remain stuck or inactive. It's time to get moving and moving like never before. We can begin to transcend time and space...to live beyond the limits...to boldly go where no man has gone before.
You can stop repeating history and experiencing the same mistakes, the same misfortunes, the same overdrawn bank accounts, the same heart breaks, the same weight issues, the same career issues, and the same relationship issues. Life can be different, and it will be different when you decide to become someone different. Reach out and find your supporting cast to help you make 2011 the year to do it...do it now!!
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