Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reposition Yourself for The Game of Life

My husband was glued to the television this past weekend watching the football and basketball games. It was a weekend of sheer joy for him and my father. They are both huge sports fans and I have learned to go with the flow. During one of the football games, I watched as the quarterback passed the ball to the running back in one of the plays. Now the goal of football is to move this ball into the end zone for a touch down. But there were a lot of things that had to take place before repositioning this ball into the end zone.

1. There had to be a coach that would help the players come up with plays to run in order to move the ball into the end zone.

2. There were certain players that needed to be in position before the play could be executed and they also needed to know when and how to change their positions as the ball got closer to the end zone.

3. But throughout the game, the players had to communicate constantly with their coach and with each other in order to know when to execute certain moves.

After observing this, the Lord began show me how this relates to the game of life and what we must know in order to win.

What We Must Know!!

If we are going to win in 2011, we must have a game plan. We must know how and when to move toward our goals. It is important that we spend some time in prayer and sometime writing out our dream plan for 2011. When we pray to God for the plan for our life, we cannot go wrong, because God knows the plan He has for our lives. When you receive this plan, you must write it out in detail. You cannot hit a target you can't see. This dream plan serves as a road map to help us stay on track and on task as we move through the year.

We must have a coach/mentor to help us create this game plan and to be with us to walk us through each play and hold us accountable to reaching the goal. The Ultimate Coach is God. God knows exactly how to open doors and create unlimited opportunities for you. But you must be in the right position to hear and to know what actions to take next. That's why it is very important to remain in constant prayer in order to know what to do and how to do it.

We must have players as our supporting cast to help us carry out the plan, to run interference for us and to protect us. You cannot play the game of life as a loner. You will need help. Whatever you do, find yourself a supporting cast of trusted people to help you carry out the plan. I would highly recommend a mentor or life coach as one of your supporting cast members. These folks can help you see things that you would not ordinary be able to see. They will be there to support you on your journey.

In summary, the game could not be won if the ball had not been moved into the end zone enough times to out score the other team. It took the entire offensive and defensive teams working together, repositioning themselves in order to take the ball to the end zone. Just as it took the entire team, it will take all of the above in order to score in the game of life. If one of these elements are missing, we could lose in this game.

I want to encourage you to began repositioning yourself for success today. Call upon the Ultimate Coach, get your plan and write it out, assemble your supporting cast and move into the zone...the zone of success and abundance today!!

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