Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Are You Still Sitting?

I was sitting in church on yesterday and as I listened to my Pastor speak about the story of Jonah, I was compelled to share with you the lesson I learned from his message. His message was taken from the book of "Jonah," in the Bible.

God gave Jonah an assignment to go to a specific place and share a specific message with a specific group of people, who were in a troubled place. In business we call this "your niche and your ideal client:...providing solution for their problems. I like to think of it as "your purpose and vision." Instead of Jonah accepting the assignment on his life and obeying the Voice of God, he ran away to another city called Tarsus and hid.

I began to think back to how many people know somewhere in their deeper parts that God has placed them on the earth with a specific assignment, to share a specific message with a specific group of people? Yet these same people are hiding themselves behind excuses such as, I don't have time because I still work a full time job; I will get started when I get my website up and running; I will do it when I learn how to master social media or I will get started when I get the money.

When Jonah went to Tarsus and hid, there were consequences for his disobedience to God. He found himself in the belly of a fish. He was in a place of deep dark despair. Nothing changed for Jonah, until he relinquished his own agenda and took on God's agenda for his life.

Just like nothing will change for you until you discover that thing God has called and assigned you to do in life. Nothing will change for you until you stop hiding and take action.

There were people in Nineveh who were heading for destruction and God called Jonah to go and speak to them. There are people whose lives are filled with despair and it will not change until you go to share with them what God has given to you. God will fill your mouth with wisdom and witty inventions, programs, products, services and ideas. These talents and gifts that you possess will change lives. But they can't change lives until you take action.

Not only will nothing change for you, think of the many peoples whose lives will not get better because you refuse to take action. God has an assignment for you. Your assignment can keep others from being destroyed...so why are you still sitting?

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Beautiful
    How are things?
    I was wondering if you could help me by reading through my new Blog and giving me some feedback.
    I want to know if what I am talking about makes sense and is relevant to young women.
    Love you lots
    Tracey :)

