How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Often times we make New Year’s resolutions and before the end of January we become distracted. Something usually shows up in our lives to get us off track and move us away from our desired journey.
It's a fact that our lives will be interrupted by distractions, yet we do not have to allow the distractions to move us away from our goals and dreams. So how do we stay on track and not allow distractions to get us off course? I want to share with you 3 things you can do to manage the distractions in your life.
1. Take ownership of your time. You are the only who can allow distractions to get you off course. When all is said and done, you own your time. You can decide not to take that call, you can decide to turn the television off, and you can choose to turn the computer off. You can also choose to exercise everyday and you can choose to write that book for 30 minutes each day. We give into outside distractions because we have not made taken ownership of our time.
Perhaps your girlfriend needs you to do a favor, but you have already scheduled that time for your daily walk. If you cannot schedule your walk before you render the favor, then you have no choice but to say “no.” “No” is not a bad word and for many of you it will become a necessary word to use during this time. Remember, you are the only one who has the power to change your life. Take ownership of your time and exercise your power to choose.
2. Raise Your Level of Happiness. Happiness is a mood or a feeling. But this feeling has proven to help us become more productive, more giving and offers us a sense of overall well being. What are the things that make you happy? Begin adding those things into your life on a daily basis and you will find it easier to remain focused and stay on track. Raising your level of happiness will also serve as an inspiration to you personally, as you take on new tasks that may not be comfortable for you. For example, one of your new year’s resolutions is to exercise more. When your level of happiness is up, you will tackle that treadmill with no problem and perhaps do even more time on it. Each morning when you awaken, you want to purpose to be happy. Find something to do first thing in the morning that raises your level of happiness and then throughout your day, reflect back there to keep your happiness level up. You will find that doing this simple exercise will make staying on track easy.
3. Find Your Supporting Cast. It doesn’t matter how small your New Year’s resolution is, you will need an accountability partner to help you stay on track and eliminate distractions. I will always have life coaches/mentors because they help me eliminate distractions and remain on course. An accountability partner can see things that you may not be aware of and show you a different perspective.
Remember you were not created to be alone. You were created for connection. Be sure this person is committed to helping you on this journey and that they also are not hindered by distractions. They cannot help you do something they have not mastered.
I know life can sometimes be fraught with difficulties and distractions. This happens to all of us. But you don't have to allow these distractions to take you off course or to steal your dreams. Don't allow your distractions to become the dream snatchers in your life. Remember, you own your time, and you can at any moment choose to be happy and know that someone is ready to help you and support you on your journey. Live You’re Dreams…Now!!
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